Practice Decision Request
Please place your practice question in writing using the criteria listed below. Forward your request to: Executive Director, Nevada State Board of Nursing, 6005 Plumas Street Suite 100, Reno NV 89519. Be sure to attach copies of nursing journal articles from your search. Your request will be placed on the next available agenda for the Nursing Practice Advisory Committee meeting. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in the committee process.
Approved by the Nursing Practice Advisory Committee 01/31/01
- State the practice question. Example: “Is it within the scope of practice for an (LPN, RN, APRN, CRNA, EMS-RN) to do . . .”
- How is this in the best interest of the consumer (the recipient of the nursing service)?
- Describe the current trends, standards (community, state, and national), nursing research, data and rationale that support this request.
- Describe the impact on the nurse. Include how the scope of practice will be expanded and whether the practice would be considered independent, interdependent, or dependent.
- Describe your view of the overall economic and manpower impact this practice would have on the State of Nevada. Include the impact on nurses, consumers, and the health care industry.
- Propose the standardized procedure of this practice.
- Describe and analyze the risks, benefits and alternatives.
- Describe the education components and/or requirements for initial and on-going competency.
- Describe the relationship of this practice to current and previous practice decisions, statutes, regulations, and advisory opinions.
- Include your name, place of employment and a phone number where you can be reached.
Social Media Guidelines
The use of social media and other electronic communication is expanding exponentially as the number of social media outlets, platforms and applications available continue to increase. The very nature of this medium however can pose a risk as it offers instantaneous posting opportunities that allow little time for reflective thought and carries the added burden that what is posted on the Internet can be discovered by law even when it is long deleted.
Electronic Death Registry System (EDRS) – Getting Access in Preparation of a Passing Patient Article
Practice Decisions
- Aesthetic/Cosmetologic Procedures
- Epicardial pacing wire
- Endoscope and colonoscope
- Gastrostomy tube
- Hemovac and / or a Jackson-Pratt surgical drain
- Intubation
- Nitrous Oxide Outside of the Operating Room
- Operational definitions for protocol, standing orders and preprinted order set
- Pessary
- Rapid Sequence Intubation Guidelines – RSI
- Removing chest tubes
- Saphenous Vein
- The Role of the RN in Moderate / Procedural Sedation
- Antithrombolytic agents
- Collagen plug
- Epidural catheter removal
- External jugular peripherally inserted central catheters (EJ PICC) and external jugular peripheral intravenous catheters (EJ PIV)
- Intraosseus lines
- Low-Dose Continuous IV Ketamine Administration for Treatment of Chronic Pain or Depression
- Out of Hospital Administration of IV Solutions and Medications
- Peripherally inserted central catheter
- Reversible opioid agonists
- Upper extremity peripheral intravenous catheter placement
- Administration of vitamin K, erythromycin eye ointment, hepatitis B vaccine for newborns
- Intrauterine pressure catheter
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- Post-coital testing
- Ultrasound
- Vaginal speculum examination
- Complementary therapies
- Interfacility transfers
- Medical directions to EMS
- Paramedic practice
- Sexual assault nurse examiner
- Telenursing
- Aesthetic/Cosmetologic Procedures
- Gastrostomy Tube
- Pessary
- NG tube
- Oral gastric tubes
- PICC line
- Postmortem enucleation
- Role of LPN in Hemodialysis
- Suprapubic Catheter Replacement
- Respirator
- TB Mantoux Skin Testing
- Assessment and MDS/RAI
- Phlebotomy and Blood Sampling Collection
- Hours of employment for renewal certificates
- Requirements for CNA accompanying residents from long term care
- CNA Medication Delivery in the NV Department of Corrections
- CNA Skills Guidelines.
Within Scope of Practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- Faculty supervision of clinical students
- Impairment
- LPN utilization review
- Meaning of “field related to nursing”
- Operational definition of clinical for schools of nursing in Nevada
- Patient care requires Nevada license
- RN license required
- School nursing
*A rescinded practice decision is no longer an approved practice decision and therefore no longer valid
- Amniotomy – Rescinded 01.09.13
- Cervical ripening agents – Rescinded 11.15-16
- Cosmetic Procedures – Rescinded 03.2012
- Nurses Removing Respirators – Rescinded 11.5.19
- Postmortem Enucleation – Rescinded 11.5.19
- Prostaglandin products – Rescinded 11.15-16
- Prostaglandin suppositories – Rescinded 11.15-16